Okay, it appears I am stuck in a little bit of a rut. Back at the Rogue in Eugene for another taster tray - this time with a little extra excitement. First, let me introduce the brews to you:
First, my old fave Crusty, also known as Old Crustacean Barleywine. This one has one so many awards around the world it could probably be considered the best beer you can buy. I rarely pass up a glass of this fine, rich and smooth brew, as it is exceptional in all regards. The only thing better is when you can get a glass from the special reserve batch - that is a treat I had once and will never forget.
Second, we have the Black Brutal Bitter - this is a special brew for today, a rich, dark, malty concoction with substantial body, and the color of ebony. It has just the slightest hint of brown tone, and is simply
dark. Very tasty as well, and has a great bitter mouthfeel and aftertaste that lets you know that we aren't pussyfooting around here. This is the real thing.
Third, we have the brew known as Double Trouble - this one is named after my waitress, who also happened to make some trouble while delivering the taster tray today. I was lucky to save the PowerBook from a substantial dose of beer, as she spilled a good portion directly onto the table. Oh well, at least there was another taster in it for me... The Double Trouble is a reddish orange, and has strong hops (double hops to be precise). It is light and delicate, but also potent. Excellent.
Fourth today I decided to depart my usual dark selections for a lighter brew, the Saison. This one is a yellow orange with a European feel to it. A good portent of the summer brews that will follow, this one is really a rainy day dreamer of a beer. Not too out of balance, this one has a little bit of a kick, as well as the much loved maltiness of the lighter Rogue brew.
Fifth, a freebie, the Triple Belgian. This one is simply light and divine, so gentle that you could easily quaff a pint without thinking twice. Of course, I am only going to swig four ounces tonight, so that won't really be a problem. Sure is sweet and yummy though.
Well, that makes for a nice stop at Rogue. As usual, I am not at all disappointed - another awesome selection of the finest brews in ye old world. Lovely.