Saturday, February 26, 2005

Rasputin at Ina's Spider House

My Deepest apologies to those who unwittingly provided the rhythm section of Nero with one bottle of Rasputin each. Your kind and generous donation provided enhanced groove for the entire party. For those not in the know - The Keg Hunter is, of course, also a bass player. FYI, Rasputin is a powerful (9.7%?) russian imperial stout. I have not been to Russia, but I can vouch for the smoothness and effectiveness of this brew. A bottle will do for The Keg Hunter, if there be no keg in sight. A bottle of Rasputin will do better than most (and twice as well as average). One down, and the set was done. Then we played five more songs for an encore. Yum.

Rasputin Imperial Russian Stout. Highly recommend.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

The Keg Hunter Cometh

And herein shall be written the exploits of the Keg Hunter himself. Draughts throughout the land, take care - the Keg Hunter is amongst ye! Be fresh and frothy, or be forever forgotten!